Saturday, March 1, 2014

Well, the 2nd Fourth Sunday dinner came upon us really fast.  Ben and Nicole said they almost forgot it was this weekend.  George and I spent the day finishing up our desserts – George made homemade cheese cake with fresh strawberries and strawberry glaze.  I made Raspberry Cream Cheese Tarts – super easy to make.  The recipe will be posted (I did not glaze them).

We arrived a little early and had some cheese and crackers appetizer along with some Spanish wine.  Ben and Nicole were busy making the ham.  I got to see the beautiful crib that Nicole’s dad sent her.  It’s really unique.  It goes from a crib to child day bed to full size bed.  We then welcomed Josh and Katie.  They brought some very yummy shrimp and bacon skewers with cinnamon chili powder rub.  Jacob showed up a few minutes later to prepare a gourmet tomato, mozzarella, and basil capreze salad.  Vivi showed up late since she was driving in from seeing her sister in West Palm Beach.  Jacob made sure he saved the whole dinner for her.  After dinner we talked and watched some of the Daytona 500 race (which was postponed 6 hours because of bad weather).  After dinner, the menfolk went outside and solved all the world’s problems, as usual, over cigars and fine whiskey!  Except Jacob – who cannot stand the smell of the cigars.  There was a promise made that night that the next Fourth Sunday after dinner menfolk meeting would be cigar-less so Jacob could join in on the world solving problem discussion.  All in all, it was a wonderful evening.  I love these dinners – great idea – even if I do say so myself!!! Get ready for March – Irish theme at Josh and Katie’s.

1 comment:

  1. Ooops. I posted my comments to the original 2nd dinner posting.
