Monday, September 15, 2014

8th Fourth Sunday Dinner

You are cordially invited to attend the
Fourth Sunday Dinner.
The theme for this month is:
Kid's Choice Chinese
We will take turns each month hosting the dinner and preparing the main dish, hot side dish, cold side dish and dessert.  
We will rotate the food assignments and announce the main dish so you can coordinate the side dishes.
I am looking forward to sharing this Fourth Sunday with each one of you.

The place for the Fourth Sunday Dinner this month is:
Jake's Place
The main dish will be prepared by:Jake & Vivi
Main Dish: Various Oriental Meats!
Hot side dish: Dad & Mom
Cold side dish: Ben & Nicole & Liam.
Dessert: Josh & Katie
Alcoholic beverages- Bring your own
Arrive at 4pm for gathering

Dinner at 5pm

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