Thursday, February 13, 2014

Second 4th Sunday

OK - here it goes.  We had our first 4th Sunday dinner and it was wonderful - as I stated in my comments after the dinner.  

So now we approach the next gathering - the Second 4th Sunday Dinner.  I am really looking forward to it. This time the dinner is on February 23rd and will be at Ben and Nicole's home.

George and I got the easy choice this month.  The theme is "Red, pink or sweet" and since we are making dessert this time, it's a no brainer - any dessert we make will fit the "sweet" theme!  

Ben and Nicole - Main dish
Josh and Katie - Hot side dish
Jake and Vivi - Cold side dish
Dad and Mom - Dessert


  1. This week Nicole and I hosted and we chose pink and sweet from our choices. We made a Honey Baked Ham. We added a little mustard to the standard brown sugar glaze to give it a little different flavor. We cooked it according to the instructions given and it was delicious. We also made mixed veggies to go along with it.

  2. Katie and I were in charge of the hot side dish this time around. We took the theme and ran with it: shrimp is pink, chili powder is red and brown sugar is sweet. We thought, why not make some awesome sweet and spicy shrimp skewers? So we did. And here's the recipe:

    1lb Shrimp
    1/2lb Bacon
    brown sugar
    chili powder
    medium bamboo skewers

    Arrange 4 shrimp on a skewer while weaving a half of a slice of bacon through each piece of shrimp. After you've used up all your shrimp (we had some bacon left over), place your skewers on a baking sheet or pan and sprinkle brown sugar, cinnamon and chili powder (to desired spiciness) over everything. cook until the kitchen smells awesome and the shrimp is nice and pink. About 15 mins (I think). makes about 16 skewers depending on the size of the shrimp.
