Thursday, February 13, 2014

Second 4th Sunday

OK - here it goes.  We had our first 4th Sunday dinner and it was wonderful - as I stated in my comments after the dinner.  

So now we approach the next gathering - the Second 4th Sunday Dinner.  I am really looking forward to it. This time the dinner is on February 23rd and will be at Ben and Nicole's home.

George and I got the easy choice this month.  The theme is "Red, pink or sweet" and since we are making dessert this time, it's a no brainer - any dessert we make will fit the "sweet" theme!  

Ben and Nicole - Main dish
Josh and Katie - Hot side dish
Jake and Vivi - Cold side dish
Dad and Mom - Dessert

Monday, February 10, 2014

Well, it's almost time for the second 4th Sunday dinner - Ben, Nicole  - where are your comments from the first 4th Sunday dinner?